General info
First of all, welcome to my website. Thanks for taking the time to read this info. If you have any problems navigating through my website, please go to the 'Help' section on this info page, which will explain each tab seperately.This website is all about ME, Daimy aka Devilin Pixy. On here you will find all about me and my interests.
Please notify me if you find any broken links or browser incompatibilities so I can try fix it.
Feel free to follow/like/comment/share or whatever else.
Have a look around and enjoy your stay ;-)
About me
I am Daimy aka Devilin Pixy, a 39 year old woman and I love music, games, the internet in general, streaming, programming/coding and design in particular. For a long time I have been 'hiding' a little secret to prevent a lot of bullshit out here on the www, but I am sick and tired of being limited in what I so love to do, so no more ... I am an open book, love to share my life, loved by many, caring, understanding, smart and even witty as I heard. From now on I just don't give a damn anymore about what others might think, I am just being ME and if you don't like it or can't respect me for who I am, then EFF OFF!
Click the picture link below to email me, it will automatically open a new email in your email client.
You can also check out the other places you can find me under 'sites'.
You can also check out the other places you can find me under 'sites'.
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This is my Twitter.
Click the link below to be directed there.
Follow @DevilinPixy
Tweets by @DevilinPixy
Click the link below to be directed there.

Follow @DevilinPixy
Tweets by @DevilinPixy
TeamSpeak 3
This is my public TeamSpeak 3 server.
If you wish to join, make sure to have the TeamSpeak 3 client installed.
You can download the client here.
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If you wish to join, make sure to have the TeamSpeak 3 client installed.
You can download the client here.
Click below to join.

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This is my public profile on Steam.
I am currently a Steam Officer on the Savage Lands forums to help out Signal Studios on the community side of things.
I help them in other places as well ...
I am pretty active with the game Savage Lands. Feel free to check it out ;-)
Click below to check out my profile or friend me.
I may not always accept friend requests though, but usually leniant.
I am currently a Steam Officer on the Savage Lands forums to help out Signal Studios on the community side of things.
I help them in other places as well ...
I am pretty active with the game Savage Lands. Feel free to check it out ;-)
Click below to check out my profile or friend me.
I may not always accept friend requests though, but usually leniant.